Centre for Asia Minor Studies, Konstantinou Tsatsou 6, Plaka
23 █ September █ 2023
20 █ 00 - 21 █ 30
SNFPHI awardee Spyros Aggelopoulos performs his new shadow theater play Karagiozis in Asia Minor or the Parade, in which Karagiozis revisits his time as a soldier in Asia Minor in the context of a parade that he is preparing for the Metaxas regime. The play, informed by Aggelopoulos’ collaboration with Greek and Turkish historians and anthropologists, seeks to challenge established narratives about the 1919-1922 Greek-Turkish War, pose questions about liberation, loss, and national identity, and rethink the possibilities for shadow theater in the 21st century.
In collaboration with the Friends of the Centre for Asia Minor Studies.
The event is appropriate for people 15 and older.
*Due to limited seating, tickets will be distributed on a first come first serve basis from 19:30.